In a record highest number of internet shutdowns in the world in 2020, of the total 155 internet shutdowns globally, India alone accounted for 109, according to the report.
Most of the internet shutdown incidents took place in India, some of the Middle Eastern countries, and some parts of Africa. In 2019 too, India had led the highest number of internet shutdowns with 121 shutdowns, followed by 12 in Venezuela, 11 in Yemen, 8 in Iraq, 6 in Algeria and 4 in Ethiopia, as per the report.
In India, Jammu and Kashmir were deprived of high speed Internet for nearly two years. But in February 2021, 4G internet services were restored in Jammu and Kashmir. Internet services in Jammu and Kashmir were disrupted before the announcement of the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. During that time, the people in Kashmir had access to only 2G internet services.

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