Author: Asish Kumar

The strategic relationship between France and India, built over the past 20 years, is a unique tribute to the strength and depth of diplomatic connections between two countries with diverse global positions and rich histories. This article explores the many facets of this strategic alliance, including its historical foundations, current difficulties, common issues, cooperation in the areas of economy and defence, and future cooperation plans. Historical Bases: The groundwork for India’s first-ever strategic alliance with France was laid by the important contract that was signed on January 26, 1998. These countries have endured international upheavals, diplomatic changes, and geopolitical revolutions…

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India is taking a revolutionary step towards creating its own protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance company, which is a noteworthy event with broad implications. The purpose of this calculated action is to give Indian shipowners—especially those doing business there—an alternative to the insurance plans that are provided by major Western companies. The establishment of a domestic shipping insurance company has the potential to completely transform the logistics industry as India experiences a revolution in inland waterways. Within the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways, discussions have already begun regarding the creation of this P&I body. Changing the Landscape With an…

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep sparked recent diplomatic friction between India and the Maldives. The problem has since grown to encompass tourism, political posturing, and the delicate balance of regional dynamics. This article explores the historical background of India-Maldives ties, the strategic importance of Lakshadweep, and the possible effects of this diplomatic impasse on the travel and tourist sectors and the global geopolitical scene. After PM Modi’s visit, Lakshadweep—which is located about 220-440 miles off the coast of Kerala—became a major topic of discussion around the world. This tropical paradise, which consists of 36 islands dispersed over 32…

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Bangladesh is at a turning point ahead of the much-awaited general election on January 7, which is predicted to result in a win for Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League. Underneath this election process, though, is a complicated web of issues with national and international implications as well as political and economic implications. The present discourse delves into the various facets of Bangladesh’s situation, examining the deterioration of democratic establishments, the economic obstacles confronting the country, and the global forces influencing its political terrain. Political Landscape: A number of unsettling incidents have occurred in the run-up to the 2024 election, suggesting a…

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For those keeping an eye on and fighting the proliferation of fake news and videos, 2023 may be seen as a turning point in the violent struggle that is still raging between Israel and Gaza. The extraordinary scope of this increase presents a serious threat to information integrity and paves the way for what could prove to be an even more difficult 2024. Important elections are scheduled for this coming year in forty nations, including significant players such as Taiwan, the US, India, Russia, and South Africa. The worldwide GDP is represented by these elections in total by over 60%,…

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Jawaharlal Nehru’s famous “Tryst with Destiny” speech set the tone for India’s future when the country gained independence in 1947. Nehru envisioned a nation that assisted the millions of people afflicted by inequality, poverty, disease, and ignorance. He called the establishment of institutions and public infrastructure the “Temples of Modern India.” But with the advent of divisive politics and the contentious events surrounding the Babri Masjid, this vision took a dramatic turn in the 1980s. The Temples of Modern India: Nehru’s “Temples of Modern India” vision included the public sector, health facilities, cultural academies, and educational establishments that supported scientific…

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Following its last electoral defeat, the Congress party is making an effort to revive the stale and unproductive “North-South” division argument. However, over the past ten years, Narendra Modi has categorically contested and dismantled this narrative, which was formerly motivated by political expediency. Modi’s achievements, the stories he has written, and his attempts to dispel nefarious divisions have changed the political terrain.The ‘North-South’ storyline was popular in the past among people who made their living by taking advantage of social and religious divides. The Congress, which has now labelled the north as backward as a result of electoral setbacks, needs…

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On August 24, at the much-awaited 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, six more countries were formally certified as full members of the rapidly expanding economic bloc, making it a momentous occasion. Joining the already-existing group of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates expanded the once-five-member bloc into a formidable 11-strong alliance. The BRICS have been positioned as a significant disruptor in the global economic system, with potentially significant ramifications for the years to come following the revealing of these new members, whose identities were difficult to predict…

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The outcomes of the most recent Indian election have sparked a range of responses, demonstrating the complexity of the nation’s political discourse. Investigating the subtleties and intricacies that characterise India’s political landscape is crucial, as the country struggles with opposing points of view. The objective of this article is to present a fair analysis of opposing viewpoints while recognising emotional reactions, historical analogies, and narrative-shaping strategic factors. Divergent Reactions: Emotions and Strategic Analysis There is a noticeable separation in the wake of the elections between two different factions: the ardent opponents of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata…

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As the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, negotiated by Qatar, collapses, military analysts speculate about the possibility of an Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) offensive. The focus now turns to Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Lebanese Hezbollah, whose protracted silence has alarmed both Yemenis and Lebanese people, creating doubts about their countries’ participation in a conflict with Israel. When Israel was besieging Gaza, Nasrallah’s weekly talks drew large crowds of nervous Lebanese and Yemenis, who would often cancel dinner arrangements to attend his speeches. Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah is renowned for his ability to speak intelligently on a variety of topics, including…

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