Author: Esha Gupta

Political conflict has become a defining feature of India’s political arena, which is a varied and most populous democracy. India has been a hotbed of political conflicts, frequently characterised by fierce rivalries, conflicting interests, and passionate discussions. India has a complex tapestry of cultures, languages, and philosophies. The country has experienced a wide range of political conflicts that have defined its past and continue to have an impact on its future, from the chambers of Parliament to the busy streets. India has seen a rise in political action and public participation in recent years. As effective instruments for mobilisation, social…

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Sometimes just one incident acts like the straw that breaks the back of an overloaded camel. Such an incident carries in itself the sheer force of an unimaginable impact that creates the momentum for a nation to finely move its rulers to take decisive action. India has finally woken up to the ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur after seeing a two and a half-month-old video of two Kuki women being paraded naked and harassed in retaliation for the alleged rape of a Meitei lady. Millions of Indians who are now aware of the ongoing killing and demanding answers from the…

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Many of PM Modi’s critics have voiced worries about what they see as an authoritarian tendency in his style of governance. They contend that at times, his government has taken measures to repress dissent and restrict freedom of speech. A few measures have also been the subject of controversy, including how the government handles social and religious concerns. Regardless of the totalitarian approach and extreme Hindu right-wing ideology of PM Modi, France, like other nations, maintains diplomatic relations with his government. Normally, countries cooperate with one another due to their geopolitical factors, economic links, and common goals. Diplomatic relations are…

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Observers were astonished when the Indian government, which is typically eager to host international events and display its event management talents, opted to organise a “virtual” summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in New Delhi on July 4 rather than a real summit. It was questioned why India, which now holds the rotating SCO and G20 leadership, decided to host the SCO Summit online but the G20 offline. Why was the SCO Summit hosted online this year when it could have been held offline last year? The epidemic has already spread around the planet. What explanation is there, if…

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Manmohan Singh, who served as prime minister of India from 2004 to 2014, was criticised by Narendra Modi during his election campaign in 2014. Modi, being the leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), harshly criticised Manmohan Singh’s United Progressive Alliance (UPA) administration’s economic policies and leadership. Narendra Modi took tremendous joy in slamming Manmohan Singh as “weak” and “voiceless” throughout the 2014 election campaign. He was commonly called “Maun”mohan Singh at rallies, a pun on the Hindi term for quiet. Modi questioned “Maunmohan” Singh and Sonia Gandhi at a rally in Shimla as to why they remained silent under…

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The Narendra Modi government is dealing with a large, red hurdle that is both financially onerous and concerning: tomatoes. Tomatoes are now nearly 200% more costly than petrol (Rs 97 per litre in Delhi), with a price tag of Rs 250 per kilogramme. Tomato prices have reportedly increased by an astounding 445%, making them unaffordable for the average person. People now have to decide between buying 2 litres of gasoline or 1 kg of tomatoes since tomatoes have practically turned into an expensive commodity or red gold. Not just tomatoes, though. The working class in India has found it increasingly…

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In India, there is no law that prohibits interfaith marriages, but many families still prefer that their children marry within their own religion. In some communities, interfaith marriages can be controversial and may even face opposition from friends, family, or society at large. However, many people in India are supportive of interfaith marriages and believe that love and mutual respect should be the foundation of any relationship, regardless of religious differences. Additionally, there are many legal protections in place to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved in an interfaith marriage are respected, including the Special Marriage Act of…

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Rahul Gandhi has been criticized for his lack of a clear political stance and speeches but has also been praised for his efforts in promoting the rights of marginalized communities in India. But amid his current political stunt, the million-dollar question is: as of January 30, when the Bharat Jodo Yatra came to an end, has Rahul Gandhi’s public image changed? The yatra may have seemed to be somewhat successful in that specific endeavor, having been explicitly packaged for “Rahul to discover India” and “India to (re)discover Rahul.” However, it may be difficult to determine the true meaning and consequential…

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War is raging throughout Hindu culture. This is how Mohan Bhagwat, the head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), justifies the prejudice and hate speech used against Muslims and Christians by followers and adherents of Hindutva. The fact that the fight is not a little one explains why hate speech and violent acts have suddenly erupted in torrents and are becoming more blatant with each passing day. It has been a conflict for a millennium and is still going on. It is an ongoing conflict similar to Mao’s ongoing revolution. If Bhagwat is to be believed, Hindus are engaged in…

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A unique effort to rethink Indian politics via prolonged public action is the Bharat Jodo Yatra (BJY), which travels from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. The Congress Party has now firmly planted its feet. It launched a massive outreach effort modelled after Mahatma Gandhi’s 1930 Dandi March, a direct action campaign of tax resistance and peaceful protests that eventually sparked calls for civil disobedience to overthrow colonial rule. The BJY makes us think of some of those well-known advertisements. The BJY is different from a typical padayatra. It takes place in a political environment marked by stark differences, escalating hatred, and expanding…

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