Author: Surjith Mohan

Surjith Mohan

Editor & Writer at

As the dust settles on the electoral battlefield, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) emerges victorious yet again, albeit with a modest margin compared to their anticipated landslide. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to helm the country for a historic third term, but the journey ahead is riddled with challenges and opportunities that demand strategic recalibration and agile governance. Insights from the Electoral OutcomeThe electoral outcome, while affirming the BJP’s mandate, offers critical insights into the evolving socio-political landscape of the nation. The alliance’s tally falling short of the 400-seat mark underscores the electorate’s nuanced priorities,…

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Understanding the complex web of events playing out in the region is crucial given the turbulent nature of the Hamas-Israel conflict and its historical foundations. Theodor Herzl’s disappointment with liberal Hungarian nationalism gave rise to Zionism, which has been essential in determining the course of Jewish identity and statehood. The realisation that the Jewish people faced an existential threat from the emergence of European ethnic nationalisms led Theodor Herzl to make the crucial decision to support Zionism. The failure of the revolutions in 1848 signalled the rise of ethnic nationalism throughout Europe, which fueled anti-Semitism and put Jews in danger…

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Approximately one billion Indians will vote to choose the representatives for the 18th Parliament between April 19 and June 1. In an attempt to garner more than 400 seats, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has frequently brought up the divisive Hindu-Muslim controversy and has since taken back some of his words made in public. In this politically sensitive atmosphere, statements from senior leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have raised worries. The fear behind these worries is that if the BJP were to win a two-thirds majority in Parliament, they may change the Constitution to…

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The electorate in India has a very clear choice as it prepares for the impending general election. Voters are faced with a choice between entrenched vested interests and the welfare of the country as a whole, which is a shift from the usual since the election’s start in 1952. The feelings that are prevalent have been captured in recent headlines. According to a prominent CEO poll by the Business Standard—a stronghold of capitalism—voters are unlikely to be greatly impacted by the disclosure of electoral bond contributors and recipients. This unspoken admission emphasises how unstoppable Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the…

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Understanding the complex web of events playing out in the region is crucial given the turbulent nature of the Hamas-Israel conflict and its historical foundations. Theodor Herzl’s disappointment with liberal Hungarian nationalism gave rise to Zionism, which has been essential in determining the course of Jewish identity and statehood. The realisation that the Jewish people faced an existential threat from the emergence of European ethnic nationalisms led Theodor Herzl to make the crucial decision to support Zionism. The failure of the revolutions in 1848 signalled the rise of ethnic nationalism throughout Europe, which fueled anti-Semitism and put Jews in danger…

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A recent verdict by the Supreme Court dealt a crushing blow to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bold claims of his government’s incorruptibility. The ruling pronounced the electoral bond plan to be both ‘illegal’ and ‘unconstitutional’. The integrity that has sheltered Modi’s government has been stripped away by this decision, exposing a network of covert donations to political parties, the main benefactor of which has been the BJP. Before the opaque electoral bonds programme was introduced in 2017, officials hailed it as a way to infuse clean money into the election process while protecting donors’ identities. Nevertheless, a more thorough analysis…

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There is no unbiased spectator in the maze of historical research. Howard Zinn’s insightful statement strikes a deep chord with us, serving as a reminder that even the most sincere historians are influenced by their own viewpoints and the events of the present day. One of the greatest historians of all time, Eric Hobsbawm, emphasises the importance of telling fact from fiction when studying history. Because without this distinction, historical research loses its fundamental integrity. However, a sinister pattern in the history of historiography is revealed: the falsification of the truth in order to serve political ends. The warning of…

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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been making notable progress in its attitude towards minority communities in the dynamic realm of Indian politics. The days of the party’s leadership being dominated by members of the Hindu community are long gone. The BJP’s efforts to reach out to minorities—Muslims and Christians in particular—showcase a strategic change in its goals and a desire for wider acceptance across a variety of social groups. Indian politics have undergone a significant transformation since the BJP and its allies in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) came to power in 2014. The BJP, capitalising on feelings of…

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The integrity of elections is a fundamental component of democratic processes. However, recent remarks made by Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar at the 18th Lok Sabha election announcement have raised questions about the electoral system’s openness in India. The CEC’s casual statements and rejection of concerns about electronic voting machines (EVMs) have drawn criticism from both experts and citizens. Though elegant, the CEC’s poetic response to opponents of EVMs misses the main point. He ignores the core tenets of democracy by arguing that only losers doubt the accuracy of EVMs. Elections are the means by which citizens exercise their…

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The topic of whether religious processions should be permitted on public highways arises as a profound dilemma in the throbbing tapestry of Indian society. This is a question that goes beyond simple law and explores the core of social cohesion and democratic ideals. However, the conversation around this problem is frequently laced with communal narratives and political overtones. The basic idea that roadways are public areas designed to handle a variety of social activities and improve traffic flow is questioned. But this idealised image is far different from reality. Instead of being democratic channels, roads are frequently used as arenas…

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