Author: Surjith Mohan

Surjith Mohan

Editor & Writer at

Indiaplomacy—a phrase created by fusing the words “India” and “diplomacy”—proved to be a noteworthy chapter in 2023, signifying the country’s diplomatic efforts to promote its interests internationally. The G20 presidency, S. Jaishankar’s first trips to four Latin American countries, and accusations of encounters abroad—the year was filled with incidents that put India’s diplomatic skills to the test. It is crucial to investigate the chances and difficulties that face India as we approach 2024. With so many known and unknown unknowns in the turbulent field of international relations, forecasting the future is a difficult undertaking. However, some upcoming events in 2024…

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The art of accomplishment is a common way that strategy appears in the fabric of our everyday lives. But when we look at international relations as a larger picture, especially when it comes to governments and nations, we see how intricate strategy is in all its facets. National goals differ, as do the methods used to attain them, and conflict is a common feature of the international scene. Strategic studies stands out from other academic fields due to the constant threat or use of force, which implies that decisions made by leaders have a significant impact on the lives of…

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With 2024 just around the corner, important elections are about to take place that will have a significant influence on how the globe develops as a whole. These global elections have the potential to impact a wide range of domains, including business, geopolitics, politics, and health. We examine the importance of the approaching elections and the various ways they could alter the course of our lives in this thorough investigation. The Global Electoral Tapestry of 2024 Global elections will be the heartbeat of 2024, with every vote in each region having the power to completely alter the political landscape in…

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The global order changes significantly on the political, economic, and diplomatic fronts as we bid 2023 goodnight. Long-simmering tendencies have burst, revealing the intricacies that put current institutions and frameworks to the test. There’s a gap in knowledge at the core of international relations, which is filled by the word “disruption” being used to describe everything that people find difficult to understand. Even if this is a turning point, the underlying factors that have shaped it covertly have been at work for some time. Fundamental changes are occurring around the world, such as a shifting power dynamic, technological improvements, and…

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The purported conspiracy to kill a terrorist with US ties has not only caused shockwaves in recent weeks, but it has also turned into a pivot point for a wider breakdown in one of the most important bilateral partnerships in modern geopolitics. A closer look is necessary at the complex dynamics of India-US ties, which are now deeply entwined with accusations, political posturing, and strategic considerations. Carefully planned and timed hit pieces have been used by American pro-Democrat media groups to capitalise on the widening divide. Conversely, the opinion of the United States among Indians has once again changed to…

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With the recent assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged victorious overall. Despite this, some Congress supporters showed unexpected confidence, highlighting the need to maintain vote shares in these states as a possible strategy for taking on the Narendra Modi-led BJP in the next Lok Sabha elections. This optimism, however, ignores the complexity of Indian politics today, which poses a significant socio-political problem that cannot be solved only by electoral means. There must be a deeper struggle for civilization’s soul, which necessitates a more sophisticated strategy than simple electoral math. Socio-Political Challenges Whether…

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Motivated by the severe effects of unemployment on the nation, four people meticulously planned and executed the December 13 parliament breach. This group included a driver of an e-rickshaw, a farmer, a job candidate for the government, and a daily wage worker. Under the guidance of Karnataka-based Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Pratap Simha, these individuals obtained visitor cards and used a spray bottle hidden in their shoes to carry out the breach. On the 21st anniversary of the terror assault on the parliament in 2001, the occurrence is a poignant expression of long-standing grievances. Man and woman Amol Shinde…

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The recent state assembly elections in the Hindi heartland have proven to be a watershed moment, as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) clinched victories in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh, reversing the trend seen five years ago. This significant political turnaround holds crucial implications not only for the respective states but also for national politics, with many viewing it as a potential precursor to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Analysing the Key Trends and Implications: Intense Desire to Win: The resounding victory of the BJP reflected an unmistakable zeal and determination to secure victory. In contrast, the principal opponent, the…

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India has seen a worrying trend of rising temperatures in recent years that has broken previous records. According to the most recent report from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), 2022 was the warmest year since 1901. This was accompanied by an increase in heatwaves, floods, droughts, and unceasing rain, which had an adverse effect on a considerable number of people. The devastation caused by floods in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and, more recently, Sikkim, provides unmistakable proof that climate change is causing catastrophic weather occurrences. History demonstrates that human ingenuity and resilience may overcome obstacles to create creative solutions to address…

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China has become the world leader in the production of hydroelectricity, solidifying its position as a major participant in the renewable energy industry. With official statistics showing that China today boasts over 98,000 dams, this feat is a monument to China’s continuous efforts over the past ten years to build an astonishing array of dams. The Three Gorges Dam is one of the most famous constructions that demonstrates China’s hydroelectric power. Construction on this enormous structure, which is 2,335 metres long, began in 1994. Located in the Hubei province’s city of Yichang, this $28.6 billion project sought to both harness…

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