Author: Surjith Mohan

Surjith Mohan

Editor & Writer at

Agriculture has long been the foundation of the economy and a source of livelihood for millions in India, the largest democracy in the world. It should come as no surprise that farmer welfare has been a major concern for many years. The Modi administration set a grandiose aim of tripling farmers’ income by 2022, but as the deadline approaches, it appears to be a story of false promises, misinformation, and propaganda. It was a positive thought to think that farmers’ incomes may double, especially in a nation where farmer suicides and agricultural misery have been pervasive problems. This pledge was…

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Ironically, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin gained from the two leaders who were conspicuously absent from the G20 Summit under India’s presidency: the inclusion of the African Union and the consensus declaration. Given that both are being hailed as triumphs of India, it should draw attention to where India stands in the Sino-US rivalry that rules world affairs. Only the most obstinate refuse to admit that we are living in a bipolar world, divided between those who are linked with the US and those who are aligned with China, more than a year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Unfortunately, because…

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India, a country of contrasts and variety, has been the subject of much discussion over its identity. The India vs. Bharat argument has been going on for decades. Some claim it is a matter of patriotism, while others claim it is a more complicated topic that goes beyond simple country loyalty. We need to comprehend why the India vs. Bharat dispute involves a variety of socioeconomic, cultural, and historical issues and is not only a matter of patriotism. The issue is not whether the term “India” or “Bharat” is superior since both are essential to our identity, and I would…

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One of the largest diasporas in the world, India’s, keeps moving up the ladder of importance in a variety of professions around the world. The Indian diaspora has left its mark on practically every aspect of society, from corporate moguls to eminent scientists, from tech experts to political leaders. India as a country has profited enormously from this worldwide reach, in addition to the recognition and prosperity that it has brought to individuals. India’s prosperity and international position have both benefited from using its diaspora’s skills, networks, prestige, and emotional links. The Indian diaspora is a diversified and active community…

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The proposal for the unification of elections in India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is audacious and unprecedented. This ambitious plan intends to end the current pattern of staggered elections by coordinating the dates for the Lok Sabha (lower house of Parliament) and state assembly elections. Despite the fact that this initiative has drawn a lot of attention and criticism, it may ironically have important advantages for India’s opposition parties. We shall look at how Modi’s decision to hold unified elections will benefit the opposition more. In all democracies, opposition parties automatically oppose any decision that the administration of a…

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China’s economic environment has faced a number of difficulties in recent years that have caused worry on both the local and international fronts. India, a nearby economic giant, has also been working to establish itself as a desirable choice for investment and development. This article explores China’s economic issues and the opportunities they provide India.China has been and will continue to be the world’s industrial hub, but worries about its slowing development in 2023 have sent shockwaves throughout the world. Nations worry that the ailing Chinese economy may cause global growth to slow down even more, given the intricate connections…

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The intricate historical, political, and economic relationship between China and India has been characterised by these factors. Their dealings frequently show a delicate mix of collaboration and competitiveness since they are two of the Worlds most populous and powerful nations. China’s efforts to assert its influence over India have recently come into more focus, and this dynamic has important ramifications for the region and beyond. There has been a long history of cultural and economic exchange between China and India, but there have also been territorial conflicts between the two countries, most notably along their shared border in the Himalayas.…

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PM Modi addressed the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) scientists shortly after it was announced that the Vikram lander had touched down close to the moon’s south pole, praising the outstanding accomplishment. According to Modi, the event was unprecedented and memorable, and because Chandrayaan-3 was part of an ISRO mission with a human-centric focus, its accomplishment represented real statesmanship. This is a genuinely momentous turning point in our country’s history as an independent one since 1947, and its significance—both materially and figuratively—cannot be overstated. High-profile projects like moon missions carry a lot of risk in terms of money, technology, and…

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The caste system, a firmly entrenched social structure, frequently casts a shadow on India’s rich cultural history. Millions of people have been affected by this system for ages, which has resulted in prejudice, inequality, and social injustices. For India to fully advance as a nation, escaping the hold of the caste system is not only a goal but a need. The caste system in India is a sophisticated social framework that creates various hierarchical groupings within society according to birth. Brahmins (priests and academics), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (merchants and traders), and Shudras (workers and service providers) are the…

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The controversial and complex topic of citizenship exclusion in Assam has attracted attention on a national and international level. The Assam Accord of 1985 gave rise to an intricate and sometimes contentious procedure that aims to distinguish lawful residents from illegal immigrants in the quest to identify and keep “foreigners” out of the state. The National Register of Citizens (NRC), the historical background, and the sociopolitical ramifications of citizenship exclusion in Assam are all covered in this article. The citizenship exclusion problem in Assam has its roots in the post-independence era, when worries about population shifts and potential cultural dilution…

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