Author: Surjith Mohan

Surjith Mohan

Editor & Writer at

The blending of judicial processes with political scheming is not a novel phenomenon in the world of contemporary politics. Leaders frequently become embroiled in legal disputes, prompting concerns about whether prosecution is gradually taking the place of conventional political dialogue. Legal processes are an essential instrument for guaranteeing responsibility, but they shouldn’t be allowed to obscure what democratic politics is all about: constructive discussion, the development of public policy, and welfare. The trials of Donald Trump, Imran Khan, and Rahul Gandhi highlight the precarious balance between politics and prosecution. In order to ensure that prosecution does not entirely replace politics’…

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Political opponents of Narendra Modi are using the bloody, three-month battle in the Indian state of Manipur to criticise the prime minister for what they claim is a failure of his administration to control a security situation of significant national import. Some observers agree that the violence is a threat to national security and warn that it might spread to neighbouring states in a volatile region. Opposition parties, which are honing their strategies ahead of the general election next year, agree. It took a disturbing video of women being paraded, groped, and raped while they were completely naked before the…

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The futures of Pakistan and India are still inextricably interwoven in the current political climate, and the choices taken by one country have a significant impact on the other. Both nations share a shared geographical territory, cultural legacy, and urgent regional concerns, notwithstanding previous tensions and wars. This article examines the present political environment and how Pakistan and India’s actions and policies continue to affect and shape one another’s destinies. Pakistan’s ruling coalition has declared that it will hold elections in August when its term ends. The appropriateness of dissolving a few days before the government’s term ends at midnight…

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One of South Asia’s most sensitive and divisive issues is the long-standing territorial dispute between India and Pakistan over the area of Jammu and Kashmir. While both nations have made several attempts to reach a peaceful agreement, tensions occasionally rise, giving rise to rumours and worries about impending military strikes. Cross-border shooting and infiltration attempts have frequently occurred along the Line of Control (LoC), which serves as the de facto border between Indian-administrated Kashmir and the PoK. Violence and ceasefire violations have been rare, but they have also led to casualties on both sides. The probability of a military intervention…

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Intractable border disputes between China and India over the strategically significant Aksai Chin area have dogged their bilateral relations for many years. Aksai Chin, a high-altitude plateau with a surface area of around 37,000 square kilometres, is found in the western Himalayas. Due to its close proximity to important commerce routes and military targets, this region is of utmost strategic importance. The political dynamics in the area have been shaped by the Aksai Chin conflict, which dates back to the early 20th century and has led to multiple military standoffs. China is back to its old, sinister ways. Otherwise, there…

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Since gaining independence in 1947, India’s non-alignment policy, which was created in the post-colonial era, has been a distinguishing feature of its foreign policy. For many countries, including China, the Cold War-era objective to retain strategic independence and avoid allying with any major power bloc has sparked curiosity and occasionally anxiety. India and China have a complicated relationship that is characterised by collaboration, competitiveness, and sporadic conflicts as the two major Asian nations. Understanding China’s viewpoint on India’s Non-Alignment Policy offers important insights into the dynamics of their bilateral relations as well as the region’s overall geopolitics. Ancient civilizations China…

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Pakistan has been struggling in recent years to deal with the growing danger posed by the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). A terrorist group known to have carried out a number of violent assaults inside the nation that were directed against citizens, security personnel, and governmental institutions. In-depth analysis of the rising number of TTP assaults against Pakistan is provided in this essay, along with insights into their causes, effects, and potential solutions. The TTP has shown itself resilient and adaptable in the face of substantial military operations and crackdowns by the Pakistani government. The organisation has witnessed a rebound recently after…

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It seems inconceivable that anyone in power in the State of Manipur was not aware of the atrocities before the video went public last week. Think about this. A thousand-strong armed mob sets fire to homes and huts in village after village, just 30 kilometres from Imphal, the state capital. That is shorter than the distance between the opposite ends of Delhi. Only three kilometres separated the place where the women were tortured and paraded from the checkpoint. That is less than the distance separating the two ends of the Central Vista. Are we to think that the decision-makers were…

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The ability of e-commerce to boost economic growth by giving companies more power, creating employment, making customers’ lives easier, and stimulating technical innovation, it is unequivocally essential to the success of Digital India. India’s rise in GDP has been significantly aided by e-commerce. It helps companies of all kinds, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), reach a larger client base both locally and globally by offering a platform for online commerce and transactions. Additionally, the growth of e-commerce has produced a variety of work opportunities. It creates jobs in a variety of industries, including digital marketing, website development, customer care,…

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India has placed a high priority on acquiring Rafale planes for its armed services. In 2016, the French and Indian governments inked a contract for the acquisition of 36 Rafale combat planes from Dassault Aviation. The deal had a 7.8 billion euro estimated value. Fast forward to 2023, and during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s impending trip to Paris, a deal for 26 naval Rafales is allegedly likely to be inked between India and France. This has both positive and negative features. The positive is that it promotes commonality; the negative is that it exposes the huge gaps that still exist…

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